Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
brave new world: brave new world: Nibiru Update 21 02 11
brave new world: brave new world: Nibiru Update 21 02 11
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
brave new world: Nibiru Update 21 02 11
brave new world: Nibiru Update 21 02 11: "Blessings of Gods LOVE and Peace to all, and to those Affected by the Horrible Events on the Mother Earth,Both caused by poor Mothers releas..."
Nibiru Update 21 02 11
Blessings of Gods LOVE and Peace to all, and to those Affected by the Horrible Events on the Mother Earth,Both caused by poor Mothers releasing her own Negative energies,But alas as we are all not wishing and Praying for things like ascencion,and for the Human to finally "after Eons of time "come into the TRUE human form;Evil forces are at work amongst us now as never before in Time and they seem to think and fully believe in the notion that killing us off Through Poisoning our Enviroments, our Foods,our Waters, selling us Tainted Medications brewed with pure Evil Intentions,and through many differant social levels causing Wars,Fear,Hatred,Greed,and unfortunatley Doubt and Mistrust of the very Forces that are all Our Bretheren from the Heavens,and OF Heaven"GOOD PART"All at the Bequest of GOD.To limit the Omnipresence and Omnipotence of the loving father of many names and all GOD,by thinking on a mere planet size level is Ludicrus and would be Just Grounds for a vengeful,spiteful GOD to simply lay us all down to waste,right?... WRONG as this Awakened man of 44 who also lived for the past 43 yrs very asleep,is now aware and Obviously being Ordained with a higher wisdom,so that i may help with the Human transformation and awakening Process in my way,Gods not this way,and Neither is love supposed to be.
This Notion was added to the Humans list of things to worrie about and to help Take us away and keep us away from all the right things on Mother earth,as we have grown with our mighty Tech and judged all other Previous Human Civilizations prior to us as lesser advanced and therefore lesser intelligent,When the most funny part is we have become so very IGNORANT and EGO based and walked from mothers magics<<< GOD Loves us all , and all Peoples and whatever Version of the Most High,Father,Heavenly Father,IAM,Allah,Budah,The ETERNAL force of GOD,his most Powerful tool in all of CREATION,all Times,all Space, is pure LOVE.
My GOD ALL HUMANITY its just so simple,yet so very convoluted on the Earth because the Powers that send your kids and parents off to die in Wars that never end,and Both cause and allow so very much pain,Please see what I have typed here , and allow your Hearts to hear yourselves as you think and Pray and Meditate on wisdom filled words,I Promise under all That is Holy about GOD,This Human will Naught seek to Mislead you,Nor to cause you to slip and stumble on your Journey.In my 44 years of Life here on this world this time I have had a great many challenges and have Failed Miserably at many of the things one encounters on this 3rd dimensional Earth resulting in Pain,sorrow,grief,and shame,Both for My Dearly Loved ones, and in my own heart with each Failing.However;In each scenario learning and Growing and to be able to spread ones wings and to truly rise from the ashes as the Phonenix of our Lore, But GODs Love is truly eternal and this allows one to Experience, and move on; the Key to the Wisdom in all this Learning of love and life by whatever may yet be for us,is simply Humanitys ability to have Empathy for another,for if before we acted in any situation involving another soul,we truly were able to feel as another,This would truly have a beautiful effect on Our lives,and the World.
And here is something most wonderful about the Human Genome,In True form GOD has also included within EACH one of us the Ability to Manifest all things we might ever need,as well as to Heal fully one another; Before you smirk and Judge me now as crazy,I simply ask why is it that our Doctors have Proven that disease Including all forms of fatal and other forms of disease,Phsyco-somatic and or OUT OF THIN AIR MANEFISTATION, so as I am chuckling now a little and typing this I am utterly speechless at the Hypocrosy,And the Medical treatment facilitys Good as the people and the science are Truly Never HEAL anyone,If we could only slow down and Remeber fully who we are as a Human Race all these things we would do at will.
The Religions are all full of failings in that they keep us stuck,and continue to Keep us Paralyzed with FEAR so much we truly have not lived,The Evil Powers on this Planet who have limited the Human Genome have caused all this to keep us waring,killing,Hateing one another,all in Gods Name,also nice "HOLY"Christian activitys like witch burning,Purposly giving Native peoples Disease infested blankets,and even more Holy pursuits like the Spanish Inquisition too and Catholism where my Own Peoples of old on the South American continent the most holy option of converting or Death,Torture,and yes even Rape. Again I simply ask is this something Holy and Pure ? HAHAHA hardly, I suggest this is the EVIL we FEAR with each and every day of our lives and we are even Taught to Fear Death for our Loving Father GOD will torture us, this is Fucking Funny as HELL ."PUN VERY MUCH INTENDED"
As our father is NOT suffering from a Psycotic human disorder like Dual Personality Disorder hehehe Love has NO opposite except Evil, there is no duality no anti Love and NO Evil , Spiteful, Vain, Torturous,or testing side to GOD, and most certainly for us NO HELL.And Jesus was the Son of GOD, and the conciousness of the Christ is here with us all now,Jesus is a Higher Being,an Elevated Master ,and the Holy Ghost as well simply is Love. But the Christian Dogma has Perverted his love in a few ways;Firstly Our Science has taught that Ghosts do not exist,and our Religions state that Ghosts are Demons and all who pursue any of this train of thought demon worshippers or Hell bound, and the second Great Perversion of GODS love, is the Notion we worship the Christ child by teaching in the Christian Faith the only way to Heaven is through Jesus,Intentionally allowing us to Believe we are working our whole lives gaining access to heaven and actually we are Forgetting a Little about GOD with each prayer,Jesus did not wish this,he was merly a man and Gods son in Human form,He talked of Love not to worship his name,this was simply added by those who will have you believe it , Another Distraction entirely and we will see Heaven and Eden soon on an Evil free 5th Dimensional Mother Earth. Really its so shameful and as i was taught in a Western Country my whole life christians are inately taught to HATE Jews,and Gentiles,and all islamics as if they are Heathens and worth killing , I imagine the exact same in their households as Children growing up in a middle eastren home,Also even in the Catholic Sect of Holy Religion they call themselves Holy men but yet Roman catholics think they are most heaven bound and better or more holy than just those slacker regular Catholics,and Protestant think they are the most worthy of GODS love and those Damned Lutheran scum are hell bound etc etc etc ....Please do you not yet see the Pure EVIL and Hatred and these are NOT qualitys of GOD or Jesus or LOVE.
To clarify something fast all religions have a form of Jesus in them and as I am made aware now to share with you and everyone of them is an Elevated Master,a son of GOD.
This Notion was added to the Humans list of things to worrie about and to help Take us away and keep us away from all the right things on Mother earth,as we have grown with our mighty Tech and judged all other Previous Human Civilizations prior to us as lesser advanced and therefore lesser intelligent,When the most funny part is we have become so very IGNORANT and EGO based and walked from mothers magics<<<
My GOD ALL HUMANITY its just so simple,yet so very convoluted on the Earth because the Powers that send your kids and parents off to die in Wars that never end,and Both cause and allow so very much pain,Please see what I have typed here , and allow your Hearts to hear yourselves as you think and Pray and Meditate on wisdom filled words,I Promise under all That is Holy about GOD,This Human will Naught seek to Mislead you,Nor to cause you to slip and stumble on your Journey.In my 44 years of Life here on this world this time I have had a great many challenges and have Failed Miserably at many of the things one encounters on this 3rd dimensional Earth resulting in Pain,sorrow,grief,and shame,Both for My Dearly Loved ones, and in my own heart with each Failing.However;In each scenario learning and Growing and to be able to spread ones wings and to truly rise from the ashes as the Phonenix of our Lore, But GODs Love is truly eternal and this allows one to Experience, and move on; the Key to the Wisdom in all this Learning of love and life by whatever may yet be for us,is simply Humanitys ability to have Empathy for another,for if before we acted in any situation involving another soul,we truly were able to feel as another,This would truly have a beautiful effect on Our lives,and the World.
And here is something most wonderful about the Human Genome,In True form GOD has also included within EACH one of us the Ability to Manifest all things we might ever need,as well as to Heal fully one another; Before you smirk and Judge me now as crazy,I simply ask why is it that our Doctors have Proven that disease Including all forms of fatal and other forms of disease,Phsyco-somatic and or OUT OF THIN AIR MANEFISTATION, so as I am chuckling now a little and typing this I am utterly speechless at the Hypocrosy,And the Medical treatment facilitys Good as the people and the science are Truly Never HEAL anyone,If we could only slow down and Remeber fully who we are as a Human Race all these things we would do at will.
The Religions are all full of failings in that they keep us stuck,and continue to Keep us Paralyzed with FEAR so much we truly have not lived,The Evil Powers on this Planet who have limited the Human Genome have caused all this to keep us waring,killing,Hateing one another,all in Gods Name,also nice "HOLY"Christian activitys like witch burning,Purposly giving Native peoples Disease infested blankets,and even more Holy pursuits like the Spanish Inquisition too and Catholism where my Own Peoples of old on the South American continent the most holy option of converting or Death,Torture,and yes even Rape. Again I simply ask is this something Holy and Pure ? HAHAHA hardly, I suggest this is the EVIL we FEAR with each and every day of our lives and we are even Taught to Fear Death for our Loving Father GOD will torture us, this is Fucking Funny as HELL ."PUN VERY MUCH INTENDED"
As our father is NOT suffering from a Psycotic human disorder like Dual Personality Disorder hehehe Love has NO opposite except Evil, there is no duality no anti Love and NO Evil , Spiteful, Vain, Torturous,or testing side to GOD, and most certainly for us NO HELL.And Jesus was the Son of GOD, and the conciousness of the Christ is here with us all now,Jesus is a Higher Being,an Elevated Master ,and the Holy Ghost as well simply is Love. But the Christian Dogma has Perverted his love in a few ways;Firstly Our Science has taught that Ghosts do not exist,and our Religions state that Ghosts are Demons and all who pursue any of this train of thought demon worshippers or Hell bound, and the second Great Perversion of GODS love, is the Notion we worship the Christ child by teaching in the Christian Faith the only way to Heaven is through Jesus,Intentionally allowing us to Believe we are working our whole lives gaining access to heaven and actually we are Forgetting a Little about GOD with each prayer,Jesus did not wish this,he was merly a man and Gods son in Human form,He talked of Love not to worship his name,this was simply added by those who will have you believe it , Another Distraction entirely and we will see Heaven and Eden soon on an Evil free 5th Dimensional Mother Earth. Really its so shameful and as i was taught in a Western Country my whole life christians are inately taught to HATE Jews,and Gentiles,and all islamics as if they are Heathens and worth killing , I imagine the exact same in their households as Children growing up in a middle eastren home,Also even in the Catholic Sect of Holy Religion they call themselves Holy men but yet Roman catholics think they are most heaven bound and better or more holy than just those slacker regular Catholics,and Protestant think they are the most worthy of GODS love and those Damned Lutheran scum are hell bound etc etc etc ....Please do you not yet see the Pure EVIL and Hatred and these are NOT qualitys of GOD or Jesus or LOVE.
To clarify something fast all religions have a form of Jesus in them and as I am made aware now to share with you and everyone of them is an Elevated Master,a son of GOD.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Does this video show an alien UFO or a human one
most amazing, its about 80 yrs past the time to be honest with all of Humanity and while I'm on a roll heck lets just start with 911 truth ! fire fighters hear 2 3 and 4 secondary explosions same with police. 343 fire men were murdered in Cold blood by factions with in our country and Israel. 3 Buildings fell and 2 planes were used, the third building fell almost 7 hours later and fell at almost free fall speed which is 125 mph,perfectly with in its own foot print. that day of Murder,Deceit,and treason, launched the US and allies into the hunt for the WMDs that were a lie,and has resulted in no less than 60,000 dead and disabled men and women military, who are doing their jobs for a lie, and they have killed almost a million Iraqi men,women,and children too, and now we are killing the same in Afghanistan, looking for some boogie man that is also a lie.
If we look at all the other tragic geological events, and acts of nature then look at all the things that make ZERO sense like this fact, men are being beheaded in front of there families but often times are made to watch as their children and wife are Raped and molested with machetes, then left to bleed to death.
We are killing Innocent civilians as well in another place for a lie,yet the worlds superpowers will do nothing to help Africa's people from these vile crimes committed by wretches, Yes NONE have offered any help at all, not one fucked up super power will aid them, or the people of Palestine being Executed in the streets " if you call them that as Israels and Americas blockade keeps out such things as building materials , medicine , fuel, food, steel for repairing their buildings for work etc.
My point in all this was to show just a few , very few indeed of the Obvious and verifiable things going on around this world, as we advance in the Technological world we move further away from the old ways, i believe the Magic if you will and God and mother earth too; Here's my rationality on this thought, as kids we are taught about a few of the most dominate races of peoples in the world and we are taught whatsoever in the current years books in America, and as i can plainly recall as we go back further in time we automatically assume these folks must have been much Less than us as we also decide they had stone tools,bronze tools,Iron tools, then Steel tools , and as such we also have decided on observation from tombs and a few remains and mummy's, but mostly pure Hypothesis based on reasoning like what were they able to produce with available materials etc, then we start to decide that these folks traded and with whom etc etc, ... We even have a few Names and Titles of some of these figures in History, and the totally hilarious part in this is , we will look and read and listen to a book or a carving or a wall etching or scroll, and many of the pasts prominent people are recorded there as well as events , Now the Hypocrisy here is this fact, we will believe he was Julias Ceaser because of the documents found however when it applies to the history of many peoples some who were here 10,000 years before the Mayans and one was here 5000 yrs before Christ, they speak of change , and in many cases tell what to do or expect , and yet our scientists, teachers,lecturers, and great debaters want us to believe these carvings are mearly like a child making a toy or like a modern person defacing a wall with Graffiti, only difference here is spray paints just that a light covering, most of the messages left for us by peoples who lived thousands of years older than us, are in solid rock or precious metals and many are done in such a way that us Mighty Techno beings cant duplicate any of it with today's modern methods. So Indeed I think we have grown up and away, we have moved away from a vital part of our being, we have become lost as in a mist, we have become complacent against our environment, and the planet cries out for we are mercilessly hurting her, what Egocentric manics we have become .
Perhaps all the things we have been told are fables, myths,fairy tales and legends are far more real than we are able to see with our limited minds, yes 15 % or less average brain usage, the true Human is awakening and the other 85% is soon to become available to us to remember using, and the ruling families want not for this to happen as they are like 600 and we are 7 billion ... sorry my fellow humanity ill post this now as my muscles are spasming in my back , and i must rest blessings eternal for wisdom, and hearts full of love for you and the circles in which you are.
If we look at all the other tragic geological events, and acts of nature then look at all the things that make ZERO sense like this fact, men are being beheaded in front of there families but often times are made to watch as their children and wife are Raped and molested with machetes, then left to bleed to death.
We are killing Innocent civilians as well in another place for a lie,yet the worlds superpowers will do nothing to help Africa's people from these vile crimes committed by wretches, Yes NONE have offered any help at all, not one fucked up super power will aid them, or the people of Palestine being Executed in the streets " if you call them that as Israels and Americas blockade keeps out such things as building materials , medicine , fuel, food, steel for repairing their buildings for work etc.
My point in all this was to show just a few , very few indeed of the Obvious and verifiable things going on around this world, as we advance in the Technological world we move further away from the old ways, i believe the Magic if you will and God and mother earth too; Here's my rationality on this thought, as kids we are taught about a few of the most dominate races of peoples in the world and we are taught whatsoever in the current years books in America, and as i can plainly recall as we go back further in time we automatically assume these folks must have been much Less than us as we also decide they had stone tools,bronze tools,Iron tools, then Steel tools , and as such we also have decided on observation from tombs and a few remains and mummy's, but mostly pure Hypothesis based on reasoning like what were they able to produce with available materials etc, then we start to decide that these folks traded and with whom etc etc, ... We even have a few Names and Titles of some of these figures in History, and the totally hilarious part in this is , we will look and read and listen to a book or a carving or a wall etching or scroll, and many of the pasts prominent people are recorded there as well as events , Now the Hypocrisy here is this fact, we will believe he was Julias Ceaser because of the documents found however when it applies to the history of many peoples some who were here 10,000 years before the Mayans and one was here 5000 yrs before Christ, they speak of change , and in many cases tell what to do or expect , and yet our scientists, teachers,lecturers, and great debaters want us to believe these carvings are mearly like a child making a toy or like a modern person defacing a wall with Graffiti, only difference here is spray paints just that a light covering, most of the messages left for us by peoples who lived thousands of years older than us, are in solid rock or precious metals and many are done in such a way that us Mighty Techno beings cant duplicate any of it with today's modern methods. So Indeed I think we have grown up and away, we have moved away from a vital part of our being, we have become lost as in a mist, we have become complacent against our environment, and the planet cries out for we are mercilessly hurting her, what Egocentric manics we have become .
Perhaps all the things we have been told are fables, myths,fairy tales and legends are far more real than we are able to see with our limited minds, yes 15 % or less average brain usage, the true Human is awakening and the other 85% is soon to become available to us to remember using, and the ruling families want not for this to happen as they are like 600 and we are 7 billion ... sorry my fellow humanity ill post this now as my muscles are spasming in my back , and i must rest blessings eternal for wisdom, and hearts full of love for you and the circles in which you are.
Friday, January 28, 2011
New dawn
Good day and warm blessings to all , may each be assured of the coming dawn for humanity,I am most pleased with the sudden upheave in the 911 truth movement; On that day and still now many innocent lives wereand are still being taken for a crime and it has been far long enough this has been accepted as truth, untill now .
My God folks I am but a normal US citizenin my life ive done many things and failed and succeeded as we all , i have paid my taxes and my dues, when i strayed on the wrong side of the law i as well paid my dues for this as well; Why then i simply ask are we permitting crimes to be openly comitted against and in front of us , and because the perpetrators are college educated, rich, successful,tie wearing folk, we somehow place them on a pillar as in another light, yes we do, we tend to want to trust our officials and we as Americans i can speak for non otherare even willing to trust these with our lives.
But when these same entitys forget about us little people who have somehow allowed this to happen, and start thinking they are somehow entitled to act this way, and treat others this way, when these officials or positions of surpreme authority or power over us become filled with greed,and omnipotence then in turn these same individuals have crossed a line , and in the case of 911 many crossed that line crminals all.
Praise be to God for deciding this shall be no more and the motions have been set in place and are coming to fruition, to remove this evil control system that has played us real humans against one another,tortured us,mis lead us, coehersed us,lied and even Murdered us, for a very very long time there have been a few on this world gaining all and suffering naught ever, is it because as they will have you believe that in a country like America that was taught to me as a child was the land of milk and honey, and a wonderful place where you can vote,become the president, go to college,and yes even the American dream of one day Owning a house.............I for one have lived almost half a century and can tell you much of this has always been a farce, What??? my vote doesnt matter in America how can this be ??? i was pissed , but yes it does appear that yes even the presidency is rigged and i feel as a US citizen and formor military man,like some thing smells most foul and its in Washington DC, and as tentacles as fallen in the cracks throught positions around the world.
911 truth like i mentioned earlier is the best thing for humanity as it will open up the bag of deceit and lies that these same Elite War mongers feel self entitled to wield against the world, it will deflate the balloon if you will, and as i see it as criminals do, " criminality is something i learned about to correct my criminal thinking errors " i see the Criminal thinking errors my own Government is employing , by blaming the Truth bearers, this is called Blaming,passive aggresive thinking, victimstance, in order to disuade us further from the truth, and even the chatters when once again some asshole in an official job representing America hangs up the phone and talks shit about the same dignitary they were just ass kissing with moments before , These same individuals need to also be brought to the light and not allowed to hide behind the status given them when there was honor, and justice still applied in the commission of there daily duties, yes all this needs uncovered , as has been used against me in a court of law i quote " an Innocent man has nothing to hide" and my freinds family and fellow humans on this journey with me, I pray we demand as a nation all the lights are on and all the lies illuminated, the worlds not there play thing and God has deemed them to be undone, and in my thoughts and manifistations i see this being taken by many in power including the us military and being pushed through, the Us military believes in the code and the few that dont are less than statistics, i am not calling for revolution, nor shall we ever kill another i simply beg humanity for peacful and productive REJUVINATION, of the current controls, .... Blessings be with all,see ya again soon
My God folks I am but a normal US citizenin my life ive done many things and failed and succeeded as we all , i have paid my taxes and my dues, when i strayed on the wrong side of the law i as well paid my dues for this as well; Why then i simply ask are we permitting crimes to be openly comitted against and in front of us , and because the perpetrators are college educated, rich, successful,tie wearing folk, we somehow place them on a pillar as in another light, yes we do, we tend to want to trust our officials and we as Americans i can speak for non otherare even willing to trust these with our lives.
But when these same entitys forget about us little people who have somehow allowed this to happen, and start thinking they are somehow entitled to act this way, and treat others this way, when these officials or positions of surpreme authority or power over us become filled with greed,and omnipotence then in turn these same individuals have crossed a line , and in the case of 911 many crossed that line crminals all.
Praise be to God for deciding this shall be no more and the motions have been set in place and are coming to fruition, to remove this evil control system that has played us real humans against one another,tortured us,mis lead us, coehersed us,lied and even Murdered us, for a very very long time there have been a few on this world gaining all and suffering naught ever, is it because as they will have you believe that in a country like America that was taught to me as a child was the land of milk and honey, and a wonderful place where you can vote,become the president, go to college,and yes even the American dream of one day Owning a house.............I for one have lived almost half a century and can tell you much of this has always been a farce, What??? my vote doesnt matter in America how can this be ??? i was pissed , but yes it does appear that yes even the presidency is rigged and i feel as a US citizen and formor military man,like some thing smells most foul and its in Washington DC, and as tentacles as fallen in the cracks throught positions around the world.
911 truth like i mentioned earlier is the best thing for humanity as it will open up the bag of deceit and lies that these same Elite War mongers feel self entitled to wield against the world, it will deflate the balloon if you will, and as i see it as criminals do, " criminality is something i learned about to correct my criminal thinking errors " i see the Criminal thinking errors my own Government is employing , by blaming the Truth bearers, this is called Blaming,passive aggresive thinking, victimstance, in order to disuade us further from the truth, and even the chatters when once again some asshole in an official job representing America hangs up the phone and talks shit about the same dignitary they were just ass kissing with moments before , These same individuals need to also be brought to the light and not allowed to hide behind the status given them when there was honor, and justice still applied in the commission of there daily duties, yes all this needs uncovered , as has been used against me in a court of law i quote " an Innocent man has nothing to hide" and my freinds family and fellow humans on this journey with me, I pray we demand as a nation all the lights are on and all the lies illuminated, the worlds not there play thing and God has deemed them to be undone, and in my thoughts and manifistations i see this being taken by many in power including the us military and being pushed through, the Us military believes in the code and the few that dont are less than statistics, i am not calling for revolution, nor shall we ever kill another i simply beg humanity for peacful and productive REJUVINATION, of the current controls, .... Blessings be with all,see ya again soon
us military
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